Saturday, May 27, 2023

English Gematria Calculator: What it is and How it Works

About English Gematria

Gematria is an ancient practice that assigns numerical values to letters and words. It originated in Hebrew, but can be applied to other languages as well. The idea behind gematria is that each letter represents a specific number, so by assigning numbers to words, you can uncover hidden meanings or connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.. More about english gematria calculator

English Gematria vs Hebrew Gematria

While Hebrew gematria has been used for thousands of years in religious texts and mystical traditions, English gematria is a relatively new phenomenon that gained popularity through the internet and The Bible Code books by Michael Drosnin in the 1990s. English gematria works on the same principle as its Hebrew counterpart, but uses the modern English alphabet (A-Z) instead of the ancient letters of Hebrew.

How does an English Gematria Calculator Work?

An online english gemartia calculator works by taking each letter of a word or phrase and adding up its corresponding value according to a pre-determined system. There are several different systems used for english gemartiya calculations such as Simple(6), Reverse Full Reduction(12), Francis Bacon(33), The Key(45) among many others.

To use an online calculator all you have to do is type in your word or phrase into the designated box on screen then select your desired calculation method - voilĂ !

Applications of English Gemartiya Calculations

The applications for english ghemartiya calcualtions are quite varied depending upon one's outlook belief system etc but among them:

  • Finding hidden meanings or connections between words or phrases
  • Discovering spiritual insights through Biblical texts or other religious scriptures
  • Exploring the numerology of names, dates, and events
  • Creating unique codes or cryptography

To wrap up: English Gematria is a fascinating practice that can reveal new insights and connections through numbers. Using an online calculator makes it easy to explore this ancient tradition with modern technology.

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